Another sweet to the festival. - The Daily News
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    Another sweet to the festival.

    Caramel Coffee Cheesy Cakes

    (Without baking)

    Ingredients for making base: A cake pan (can be separate), digest or nati biscuit powder one and a half cup. butter quarter cup (melted).

    Procedure: Mix boiled butter with biscuit powder. Hold down the mold and make a cheesy cake base by pressing down. Keep it in the refrigerator.

    Whiped cream making ingredients: Whipped cream 250 ml and sugar 2 tablespoons.

    Procedure: Mixing sugar with cream will need to bite well until the 'stick pick' (4-5 minutes). If you become like the peak. you will have to leave the refrigerator at a low speed and keep it in the fridge or cream packet order .

    Ingredients for making cheeses: Cream cheese 225 grams, Sugar 4 tablespoons. 1 table spoon of coffee.

    Procedure: To make a bit of cream cheese, sugar and coffee mixed in a bowl. Make a bit of cream mixed with cheeses. Mix whiped cream with it. Pour this filling mixture on the pancake base to make it equal. On top of the chocolate, coffee and coffee will'e kept frozen in 8 hours or all night. Now all around the cake pan will have to be opene. Serve cold to serve.


    Ingredients 1: 3 pieces of egg white, sugar cc cup, 1 cup of sugar powder and 3 parts of 1 cup of 4 cups. Almond flour 1 cup and quantity of food.

    Ingredients 2: butter half cup, vanilla essence 2 teaspoons, 2 cups of powder sugar.

    Procedure: Take all the materials in the instrument bit together. Make the foam by making a bit of sugar from the ingredients 1 and sugar in the egg white. Mix together powder and almond flavors together with rice. Share 2. Mix one of the favorite foods in one. The other would be harmless. Put a pink and white color in a pipe bag. Bring green and white colors in the same way with another piping bag. Now spread the baking sheet in the baking tray and make a mixture of macaroons in the shape of the mixture. Give the tray a little bit home. Keeping this in an hour, bake in preheated oven for 15 minutes at 140 degree centigrade heat. Serve and cool down and mix 2 Macaroons with ingredients in the filtrate 2.

    Mini Pavlova

    Ingredients: 6 eggs (white part), sugar one and a half cups, cornflower 2 teaspoons. vanilla assensis half table spoons and lemon juice half table spoons.

    Procedure: Make a foam with a bit of sugar in the white part of the egg. Mix the Cornflower with vanilla acnes and lemon juice mixed in it. Now, in a pipe bag, spreading the baking sheet in the baking tray, the goal is score by Pavlova. Bake at a temperature of 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 1 hour and 15 minutes. Serve them with cold and creamy creams.

    Chocolate tart

    Tart shell ingredients: flour 2 cups, sugar 1 teaspoon. salt quantity, baking powder, quarter teaspoon. powder 2 tablespoons of milk, two eggs and 3 tablespoons of butter.

    Procedure: Mix flour, powder and baking powder together. Fry with butter, salt, sugar and eggs together with a little bit of flour. Keep the doda for a while. After that, cut the bread with the biscuit cut and cut it according to the size of the tart mold. Press the oil on the tart mold and apply the bread by pressing it with a spoon to make a few holes. Bake 20- 25 minutes in the 180 degree Centigrade Cup in the oven.

    Purified materials: dark chocolate, white chocolate (or coconut powder) according to quantity.

    Procedure: Fill the dough in the dark chocolate oven and bake the baked tart filled with sesame fries. If you get wet, spread out the best white chocolate or coconut powder.

    Mango face

    Ingredients: Mango Puree 5 cups, lemon juice 2 tablespoons, water cc cup, sugar half cup. egg 2 (white), zincatine powder 1 tablespoon and heavy cream semi cup.

    Procedure: Take a little lemon juice in Mango Puree and mix it with sugar. Soak the zincatine in hot water. Mango Purey, this is the district party. The white part of the egg should be foam bits. Take a bit of cream. Mix mango puri, whip egg white in a bowl and whip it in the mixture. Make a bit bit with a bitrate. Allow the refrigerator to pour 2-3 hours to refrigerate. Serve as if it is time to taste.

    Source: prothom alo

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