I cried by the audience tears | siyam - The Daily News
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    I cried by the audience tears | siyam

    Beginning! Short film star Siam has made his debut on the big screen in this Eid through the release of the film. The movie was release in 21 theaters of the country including Dhaka.

    After the release, most of the theaters in the theater were reporte to be 'spectacular'. Shiam Ahmed is floating in the film, praising Shiam Ahmed. Today, on Tuesday afternoon, he talked with him.

    The film 'Baradamon 2' has been release for three days. How are you responding?
    I get great appreciation and good luck. This is my first film in film. I worked with greatest effort and labor. The audience gave me the reward of that labor.

     I am grateful to the audience. Those who are well-wisher, requested that I should not stop working on the big screen.

    See the picture sitting in the movie?
    We have gone to some theaters. I saw the picture sitting with the audience. I went to the first show of Eid on the film heroine Pooja Cheri. Director Raihan Rafi and producer Abdul Aziz Star Cineplex. A seat was not empty in the hall.

    We did not get the place to sit on the stairs and we saw the picture for a while. Then on that day Balaka, Blockbuster, Shyamoli and Joydebpur went to Barsha movie. I saw the picture sitting with the audience for a while. The viewer has great interest in the picture everywhere.

    Which part of the audience did you like most?
    Some of my part of the audience liked the audience. This is the way I entered the screen with a song made from Salman Shah. At the time, I see the fans are clapping hands. There are only scenes of love and quarrel with me. But the viewer's most attention was see in the last scene of the film. After coming out of the hall after the picture was over, I saw many observers' eyes wet. Many visitors cried over the last scene. I also cried crying to the audience.
    Cherry and Shiam Ahmed, the picture of 'Burmam 2'

    How was the experience with the audience?
    Having a fun experience with an audience at Star ScenePllex. The visitors came to see the film with his mother and Nancy. After seeing the picture, I got out of the house and did not leave. Let's see, Mother and Nani cried. He prayed with my hand on my head.

    Anyone in your house saw the picture?
    My father and mother went to Star Cineplex on Eid day and saw the first show cut by themselves. The next day the father saw some other relatives along with his father. After watching the picture on the first day, Baba sat for a long time. Finally, 'We're Proud of You'.

    In the first film! Feeling any change in yourself?
    There have been some changes. The burden on his shoulders seems a little too much. If you can not carry this burden then all successes will fail. In the next film, the audience will have a great desire for me. How much I can meet the expectation of the audience, it is a big deal now.

    The film was release in 21 theaters of Eid. Will this number increase in the second week?
    The film was release in the first week of Dhaka and surrounding districts. I learned from Jazz Multimedia authorities of the production company.

     After seeing the demand of 21 audiences in the theaters. The owners of the district's theaters have expressed interest in taking the picture 'Burmam 2'. Also to the social media, the visitors of different districts are intereste to see the image. Looks like this, along with these 21 halls, the number will increase a lot next week.

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