The 40th BCS will be taken, two thousand will be taken.
40th BCS after a special BCS This will be the general BCS. Bangladesh Public Service Commission (PSC) sources said the draft has been finish. The 40th BCS circular may be publishe in September this year. PSC thinks, the application can also exceed three lakh in this BCS.
PSC said 39th Special BCS Preliminary Examination for doctors will begin on August 3 and 8th. written in the 38th BCS examination. 40th BCS notice will be publishe after this test.
According to the Ministry of Public Administration sources for the 40th BCS. they got vacancies for appointment of about 2,000 cadres from different ministries. They sent the list to PSC. Now PSC will organize the 40th BCS exam depending on that. There are 200 cadres in the administration, 75 in police, 25 in the country, 45 in the economic cadre. 24 in the tax cadre, 22 in the audit, more than 200 in the education, Ansar 12. the recommendation of 32 cadres of customs cadre was recommende after a long time. the Public Administration Ministry said.
Asked, a responsible official in the first light that the list of vacant posts of 40th BCS has been send to PSC. In all, this number is about two thousand. The number may increase further.
PSC Chairman Mohammad Sadik said in the first light, 'We are working on the 40th BCS. Now 38th and 39th BCS examinations have been fixe. On August 3, the examination of the 39th BCS will be conducte. and the written examination of the 38th BCS will begin on August 8. 8 to 13 August will be subject to compulsory examination of the BCS. Also optional subjects will be examine in the first week of September. We will publish the 40th BCS notice on our website and in the paper after this test is over.
Mohammad Sadiq said that the 40th BCS notification may be publishe in September.
PSC sources said that two examinees will be check by the two examinees of the 40th BCS written exam. If the difference of their numbers is more than 20 percent, the book will be send to the third tester. As a result, PSC believes that the merit of the examinees will be check. This BCS will'e written in the 200-page written examination of Bangladesh topic. and 50 questions will be aske about the liberation war. If you want someone, you can also get this BCS in English. Also to seven departments, the new division will also be examine in Mymensingh.
PSC sources said, in the case of application, the record was create in the 38th BCS. In this, 3 lakh 89 thousand 468 candidates appealed. Earlier, two lakh 43 thousand 476 candidates took part in the 37th BCS examinations. The interest of young people has increased in government jobs Especially in the BCS. So 3 lakh 89 thousand 468 candidates in the 38th BCS apply. Like the 38th BCS, the application can also exceed three lakhs in the 40th BCS.
When asked about the reasons for the application in the BCS. former Cabinet Secretary Ali Imam Majumder said in the first light. "Increasing interest in government jobs has increased the interest of people. So the application is submitting more. '
2,244 cadre officers will be appointe in the public administration through the 38th BCS. In the Administration cadre 300. 100 cadres of police cadre, 38 cadre general cadre. 520 in general, 549 in technical and professional cadre and 955 in education cadre. The results of the preliminary results of 38th BCS. preliminary results were publishe on February 25 this year. In this, 16,866 candidates passed the 38th BCS Preliminary Examination. They will now take part in the written examination.
4th 542 assistant surgeons and 250 assistant dental surgeons will'e taken to 39th BCS. About five thousand doctors will'e taken in all these BCS examinations. The Health Ministry said this number may increase further. About 40 thousand candidates have applied for the 39th BCS candidates. A total of 39,954 candidates have applied.
According to the notification issued from the Ministry of Public Administration. In the 39th Special BCS Mkc type written test will done. You have to answer the question of number 200. Also oral exam of 100 will'e done.
100 marks will'e conducted on medical science or dental science. Apart from this, number of marks in Bangla, English, Bangladesh. and international affairs will be 20 and in mental skill. And mathematical reasoning it will'e written for many 200 hours of M.C. For every MXC answer. the correct answer will'e given number one. for every wrong answer, the number will'e cut to the decimal number 50. The pass number will'e assigned to the PSC in written examination. Passed score of oral examination has been 50 Written test will'e done only in Dhaka.
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